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September Events, this weekend

I am back at the jewellery bench after a week away in Suffolk! It feels so good to be back at Phoenix Artspace. I am preparing and making new pieces and work from the collection for two events happening this weekend.  One in Sussex • One online

The Old Forge Open House

Firstly I am delighted to announce that I am taking part in @artwavefestival with @theoldforgeopenhouse in South Heighton where they are opening their forge, garden studio & garden to the public for three weekends of September.

It begins this weekend 05/06, also 12/13 & 19/20.
Opening times : 11-5.30pm.

The Old Forge, Heighton Road, South Heighton, BN9 0JH


A Covid safe event.

Made Makers

I am also very excited to announce that I am taking part in my second online #mademakers event by @tuttonandyoung .

View Amanda's specially 'made' and selected collection for the event here.

This online event www.mademakers.co.uk event begins at 9am on Saturday morning 5th & 6th September.

A fantastic event - handmade crafts for sale all from the comfort of your own home! 

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